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weaker springs?


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My ICS M4 is shooting quite close to the 350FPS limit with an M90 Spring so for my MP5 build I prefer to use a spring closer to the 300FPS, but being it an ICS too, im bit worried it will perform similarly to the M4 and an M85 (weakest I found) should give a power of 320FPS or so.


My question is, does anybrand sell M80 Springs?



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You can always shortstroke or cut the spring down :P


The latter's what airsoft shops usually do for downgrading anyway. It's tedious, but just cut the coils one by one until you reach your desired fps :P


And you have a quick change gearbox anyway (cheater! XD), so test it with your ICS M4 and then shove the spring into the MP5 (if it's not a quick change gearbox) :P Assuming the volume's balanced correctly on both guns they should have the same output with the cut spring XD.


No need to spend extra cash assuming you have the correct tools at hand to cut the spring coils. A more through job would be to flatten the cut end of the spring but honestly I don't see it being necessary given that you're not shooting hard anyway.


Anyway gotta get back to revising...ARGH D:


EDIT: Anyway, I realised I used 'anyway' WAY too much....brain's fried from revision D: My English isn't that bad anyway, trust me :)

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Cheater? People will know true fear spammage when i finish developing my electrical sonic grenades. But i wont cheat with stronger springs,its funnier to achive greater range with lower powers XD


certainly, cutting a spring should render better/cheaper results, but hey, im just sooooo lazy :lol:

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Cheater? People will know true fear spammage when i finish developing my electrical sonic grenades. But i wont cheat with stronger springs,its funnier to achive greater range with lower powers XD


certainly, cutting a spring should render better/cheaper results, but hey, im just sooooo lazy :lol:

No I mean cheating in teching with a quick spring change gearbox, sheeh XD  It takes like 3 hands for me to close a gearbox with even a 1.5J spring in it (granted, I don't exercise I much as I should but man those 1.5J springs in v2 gearboxes are hard as hell to get everything fitted into the box securely).  With a quick change gearbox I'm sure I can do a change in like 30 seconds :P


I dunno, I just think cutting the spring is the quicker and cheaper option XD






Cutting a spring is probably the fastest and cheapest way. Just cut it, stretch it and call it a day.

You don't need to stretch it if you only cut a few coils off.  Taking 5-6 coils off and your uncompressed spring length is still longer than your piston travel length.  If you're cutting so many coils such that you need to stretch the spring to fill the piston travel length, then you're doing something wrong.






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LoL! i wish it was really quick spring change, it has a split gearbox, which makes changes easier, or at least you dont need to worry about gears flying around the room. But given your "cheating" statement, I see myself forced to say that im not in anyway cheating, im just *fruitcaging lazy and technically... lacking :bleh:


I think I will run an M90 which is already "en route" and see how many FPS I get after some games, once it settles I will see if I need to chop the spring a couple of coils

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