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Well I played airsoft yesterday at the local indoor airsoft place. I was starting to notice that the bbs from my CA m15a4 were curving high right. I have adjusted my hop up and such, but one of my teammates say I need a DEES TB. I also told him I want to upgrade my gun to 340 fps and stop my bbs from curving. I told him I wanted to upgrade ALL the internals and he said that wasn't a good idea. He said that the DEES TB will increase my fps to where I want and it will also stop the bbs from curving. I know very little about the internals of airsoft guns, so could someone help me out and give me advice on what to get.




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Well I played airsoft yesterday at the local indoor airsoft place. I was starting to notice that the bbs from my CA m15a4 were curving high right. I have adjusted my hop up and such, but one of my teammates say I need a DEES TB. I also told him I want to upgrade my gun to 340 fps and stop my bbs from curving. I told him I wanted to upgrade ALL the internals and he said that wasn't a good idea. He said that the DEES TB will increase my fps to where I want and it will also stop the bbs from curving. I know very little about the internals of airsoft guns, so could someone help me out and give me advice on what to get.





Your friend is right a Dees TB will get you the added FPS you are looking for and not sacrifice your Gearboxes "stock" status. Stock gearboxes will always run longer than upgraded ones simply because the factory (I guess) took time to install the parts and make sure they work.


The curving though, is not caused by your barrel per se. It is most likely caused by a misshapen or worn hop up nub (or imporperly installed one) I have had great luck with Guarder Clear Hop Up buckings and not so great with the Prometheus ones. I hear the firefly KURAGE hop up buckings are supposed to be awesome in combo with a Big Out H Nub (the part that pushes down on the rubber to give you hop up).


I'd buy a new hop up bucking and a tightbore. That should be sufficient for what you need.

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Another thing to curving is you didn't align your barrel correctly in the hop up so it gets hop on one side more than the other. So you might also want to check that. Someone else mentioned on the boards that there is a fair amount of pay with the barrel locking clip to cause curving.

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Anyone got any links of where I can buy the stuff I need for cheap?


-DEES TB m4 length

-Nub and bucking

i think these are them not 100% sure. try googleing what you need.



also you may want to try the simple things before changing or upgrading parts it could be simply a very small amount of dirt or waht ever in the barrel and as stated a misaligned hopup

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Hey chaps,


anyone know a shop in uk that do the dee tb's? and are they easy to install?





When I looked last year there was no current stockist. If that is still the case and you need to import, you could also consider PDI if you need a 6.01.


My last order from X-Fire Japan got to me in 5 days and made it through customs with no charges woooo!

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When I looked last year there was no current stockist. If that is still the case and you need to import, you could also consider PDI if you need a 6.01.


My last order from X-Fire Japan got to me in 5 days and made it through customs with no charges woooo!


x-fire.org is a great site, you're going to have to deal with a lot of Engrish though. I highly recommend them in any case, their shipping is extremely cheap compared to places like Dentrinity which can cost upwards of 30 dollars. Theirs is usually around 15 and just as quick.

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