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LCT AK Pistol


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Looks pretty cool, and you gotta love LCT's steel bodies and plywood furniture. But... would that thing even fire in RS form? It's so short there wouldn't be hardly anything in the way of gas expansion so I'd imagine it would jam every few shots if not every shot.


Still though, looks cool :lol:

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Looks pretty cool, and you gotta love LCT's steel bodies and plywood furniture. But... would that thing even fire in RS form? It's so short there wouldn't be hardly anything in the way of gas expansion so I'd imagine it would jam every few shots if not every shot.


Still though, looks cool :lol:


They exist in real steel form, I don't know about reliability, but they exist.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Cool thing, the front sight can be used to build a MPi AKS74NK. :)


looks like the usual airsoft AK105 bulgarian style front sight thats on it, not quite same as the MPi one


available on its own (well with a muzzle brake) http://www.wgcshop.com/pcart/shopper.php?itm=LCT-PK-15


but any cyma dboys vfc 105 has that sight too so one of those would probably be a better starting point for the NK


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