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3 major forums in UK


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Zero In has become the trading hub in the UK no doubt about it - ever since they kicked into full swing a few years ago Arnies' buying and selling has virtually dried up. I still post my sales on both but I never expect to find anything on Arnies. Two main reasons for the above of course, firstly you don't need a certain number of posts to access the sales forums and secondly the handy sales format they enforce.


The two co-exist beautifully, to buy stuff I use Zero In, for everything else there's Arnies.


As for the rest of the small forums, there's nothing they can do that Arnie's can't do better. All the airsoft celebrities are on here, Candyman (crazy customs), Renegade (crazily good for plastic customs), Fireknife (pistols), Bauer (snipers), Snowman (pistols), Rhino (shotguns), Blablabla (retro ARs) Ivan Le Fou (awesome guns), LordSex (way to many guns), Bababooey (retro AR's), Docv400 (custom parts), mightyjebus (AK's), Frontiers (news), etc, etc...


...wow I have way to many heroes on here. But seriously, combine all the niches and you get one epic whole.

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Merge the forums, hehe, we'd have done it years ago if we thought it would have worked, which it wont,

Airsofters., throw a stick, odds on it'll hit a scotsman as most Scots sites are based there, Arnies, very international, always was, UKAZ for all purpose ASCUK reborn, moderated with a calmer we're all in our 30s now and don't need the hassle attitude, it works well going by our rapid growth ?(not too rapid I hope, don't want to fork out for more bandwidth :P) full of old grumpy BTDT airsoft types,


It's true a lot of the info gets replicated, but more than one source for info is a bonus, more than one place to advertise your sales is a bonus also,


Your thread on UKAZ is wasted though, you'll get the same answers as here minus the word filter ;)

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I don't know about Europe, but as far as I know every state in the US has it's own forum. Granted, half the states in the US are as big as multiple countries in Europe.



I know I'm a bit late, but we also have a lot of major sites as well, airsoftforum, airsoftretreat, MAAPR, airsoftPacific, NEASG (kinda). However I find the major sites in the US to be tolerant of poor spelling (to the point that it's illegible), immature behavior, rumor milling (beyond reasonable limitations), and all-in-all aimed at the newbie crowd.


If I want good info, a good community, and up-to-date news I come here.

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Zero In has become the trading hub in the UK no doubt about it - ever since they kicked into full swing a few years ago Arnies' buying and selling has virtually dried up. I still post my sales on both but I never expect to find anything on Arnies. Two main reasons for the above of course, firstly you don't need a certain number of posts to access the sales forums and secondly the handy sales format they enforce.



There is also the fact that Zero-In is composed mainly of a gaggle of hootling cocks who are possessed with about as much sense as they have grammatical ability - ergo, none whatsoever.


On the one hand, you'll get a quick sale, on the other, you'll get about eleventy billion PMs asking if you'll take £100 including postage for a package that costs £300, and could you send it first because paypal is being a bit slow and also could you spray paint it blue because I'm not UKARA'd yet and I'm 12 and I want a l337 sniper so I can totally pwn some noobs like in COD, wicked blud.


That being said, there are some decent folk on Zero-In, but the idiots faaaaaaaaar outweigh them.

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But that is the price you pay I guess. Besides in my own personal experiences on there which must be around 50 transactions only twice have I had nubs making low ball offers and stupid requests - which I then ignore making it none.


As for Moderators/Admins, it doesn't matter where you go, you'll always find some power-crazed big-headed cocks - even Arnies has some. Of course Zero In and others have the lion's share of them.

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ZeroIn is the busiest by far but, as Spetz points out above, it does have the lion's share of idiots, kiddies, homo-eroticist fanbois and straight-up Walts. That really spoils it at times. Arnies and UKAZ have the most mature audience.


As for a merge, well, it isn't going to happen. :)


On a side note, the usual disclaimer goes here, guys: please remember we don't tolerate the bashing of other forums here. Every forum has a role to play and there's no need to prove whether we, or any other forum are better, regardless of what a very small minority in the online community may still believe. Every forum has a role these days, and I'm sure I'd be active in more of them were it not for the fact that a full time job coupled with administrative duties here leaves me with little free time.


Seriously Panoptes, what was so difficult about that? :mellow:


Guys, please don't bash other forums, there are reasons we ask you not to, although only the older members are likely to understand why; it's like someone starting a fight over what cheese is best. Thanks. :)

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Not wanting to tell the Moderators their job but... as we have clearly answered the Opening Poster’s question, plus the fact that they seem to be quite obviously wanting to stir up trouble...


i will do that, proposed to merge on the other one... let's the fun begin


Perhaps we should close this now and move on?

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As for Moderators/Admins, it doesn't matter where you go, you'll always find some power-crazed big-headed cocks - even Arnies has some.



I'd love to see your list. ;)


As Nickberry66 suggested, this has run its course and is starting to head in the direction of just being a troll thread. If you want to discuss the virtues and failings of Arnies, I suggest someone open up a new thread - I don't mind hearing the bad stuff, as long as it doesn't turn into a soapbox for a minority to rant on. :)



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