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Converting Real G3 mags into Airsoft Hicap


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I saw these real G3 mags that have the ribs on the site and i thought that they looked really cool. I wanted to have an airsoft version of these. So i decided to make them my self.


OK, Here is a picture of the mags pre-conversion. The one on the left is the real G3 mag and the one on the right is the airsoft hicap. The airsoft version is made from steel and the real G3 mag is aluminum. I got two real G3 mags with belt case from eBay for $10 plus shipping.



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The first thing that you are going to want to do is slide the bottoms off of both of the mags. The real one and the hicap. And slide the insides out.










Now onve you have the guts out you will have to look inside the real mag and take out these pieces. All you have to do is unfold the tabe that are sticking through the side and push them through. Then pull that piece out.




Now i was getting so excited about this mod that i forgot to take pictures of this part so i will do my best to explain.


You have to cut off the extra metal so that the mag will fit into the mag well of the gun. Also if you have a metal body on your gun you are going to have to grind some of the metal off of the out side so that it will fit in. The plastic body will flex just enough to let it in.




After you finsh all of the grinding and all. polish the edges so that you dont have any sharp edges. Then put some electrical tape on the inside at the top to eliminate the small gap. Then insert the Hicap internals, and slide the bottom from the hicap back on.


Here is a picture of how the top will look. You want to make the top of the aluminum shell flush with the top of the insert. Also you are going to have make sure that you but the notches in the four corners properly too.






Now i have the mag complete and i tested it out and the thing works flawlessly. It fed just like the regular hicap and it seated in the gun w/o wobble. It is even more solid than the original. I even put some extra tape along the inside all the way down the inside of the mag. It helped with some of the bb rattle that you get from a hicap.

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OK, now the part that you have all been waiting for. The pics of the mag in the gun. Pretty exciting HUH??? I think that it has turned out well. And i hope that this tutorial has helped anyone who is thinking of doing a similar thing.






Here is one of my favorite pics. These are the official marking on the mag.








If i have left anything out or you want some more explination of something i did please PM me and i will do the best i can to help

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this makes me want get examples of real mags for all my guns and convert them. it really does look the part.


i don't suppose we can get MP5 mags in the UK can we ?


saying that, it looks like this mod was done for the different visual effect ? i doubt real armalite/mp5 mags look much different to their airsoft counterparts.

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this makes me want get examples of real mags for all my guns and convert them. it really does look the part.


i don't suppose we can get MP5 mags in the UK can we ?


saying that, it looks like this mod was done for the different visual effect ? i doubt real armalite/mp5 mags look much different to their airsoft counterparts.



Yeah i did thei strictly because the real mag had the ribs on them. Some real G3 mags in fact look exactly like the airsoft copies. I just wanted something that looked a little different.



Thanks for the comments. I have been pretty excited about getting this up on the forum. :)

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