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Slinging an MP7...


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Don't know what's available sling-wise for the MP7 but as I have one and I like making stuff...

Made up these straps to hang mine from my vests/belt/whatever.

I bought the QD buckles and webbing strap from B&Q but it's all available eleswhere obviously. You'd need to get buckles that will pass through your particular loops/molle straps etc.

I used a normal sewing machine and cotton thread.


The rear one is a velcro loop round the gun with a QD buckle, linking to a QD buckle on a loop (also with a QD buckle) which can attach to just about anything, Molle straps, webbing, vest shoulder straps, basically anything you can pass the strap round/through.

The front one is a loop made to fit over the front rail (thread rail through loop and reattach to gun) with a QD buckle linking to a velcro'd loop which, again, you can attach anywhere.

I fit the rear strap on my vest's r/h side shoulder strap and the front one to my vest on the lower l/h side. The gun is held secure enough to run, jump and climb through windows (did that a lot on Sunday at Combat South Urban, Widely Fort) without getting in the way or flapping around, yet unclipping the front QD buckle lets you bring the gun up high enough to aim with the rear still attached. You can also let it hang on just the rear if you're walking/moving slowly/crouching with your primary AEG ready.

you can fit it all on the opposite side if you're left handed and there's enough adjustment in the straps to allow you to hang it in just about any position that suits.



I did a similar thing on my MP5 CQB and MP5K, except they both have a normal single loop sling on the rear sling/swivel point and a velcro'd strap (with QD buckle) at the front for attaching to a belt.

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I have a similar setup. I had a Chinese sling around. They are pretty weak so I would not use it on anything valuable. However, the setup I made is redundant. This means if 1 attachment breaks off there will still be another to hold the gun. So I attached 1 bucke to the rear left and 1 to the rear right hole. Then I slided the the plastic thingy on the sling all the way to the body of the MP7. This way I created a big loop. Also there is only 1 bucke needed to hold the gun. At this moment the loop is big enough for me to fit in, raise the gun or aim without problem.

The I took a pair of QD buckles and a short piece of sling. Made a loop with a pin (I can't sew). Then unbuttoned the belt hole on my trousers inserted the loop and buttoned it again. Whenever I buckle the gun up it holds good. Not rock steady, but good enough for me. If I wanted to use it, it takes just one quick move to unbuckle and raise it. Costed just about nothing.

The crappy Chinese sling is easy to come by (1 included for each clone gun). The QD buckles and the piece of sling were salvaged from a decomissioned backpack.






Edit: Holly **** just realized this thread is around 1 year old sorry for necroing :unsure:

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I wager the Viper short sling, available at places like Ironfoot, Airsoftscotland, Actonhobbies, and Airshooter to name but a few, often for around £4-6 before P&P, can act as a carry sling if done 2 point, but you ought to be able to shoulder it if you attach both hooks to the real sling loop. Ironfoot for instance sells it at only £3.75. AirsoftScotland is £5 whilst Airshooter is the most expensive, but the latter two places can let you buy things like red dots (Ironfoot's selection is limited) and a couple of other accessories for the MP7 or other guns to make the order worthwhile.


It's a very short 2/1 point sling, but the MP7 is a very short gun so it ought to do it alone, or since it's cheapish, buy a couple and use one as a base to build a better sling.


I do think it may actually turn out a wee bit like the pics that necro'd this thread minus the QD clip thingymajig.

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