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Led's Construction Pictoral


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Got myself a 14mm ccw die for threading external threads :)


Barrel extension:






And another small one I made for my '36






And another little project I've been working on. Added the G3 retractable stock to my metal K. Also made an aluminum bolt, a new cocking handle, and a small bushing for the nitro vo rail to replace the bushing they provide...I like the flush look a little better.









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Like that 'pug-nose' MP5 :P

Talking of home-made silencers...




When the switch is on, the laser is activated when the gun is tilted to the left by 25 degrees or so, then goes off when the gun's held upright again. :D

Aren't lathes ace...got mine for £170 secondhand...

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M14 bolt catch mod:


Take this part off:




and grind the nub/tit off the back. So it looks like this:




don't lose the spring. Reassemble.


Pull the bolt back and push here:




and the bolt will be locked back.




Give a tug on the bolt, or push the lever to release.


That's it :)

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Particularly when you have a lathe to play with, among other things...

I love my lathe :P


Doc, 2nd that!


I find all my troubles and worries melt away when I'm working on the lathe. Concentrating on not damaging appendages or vital organs is excellent "therapy for the soul"


I just wish I would have bought the 8x12 so I could make longer stuff ;)

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Doc, 2nd that!


I find all my troubles and worries melt away when I'm working on the lathe.  Concentrating on not damaging appendages or vital organs is excellent "therapy for the soul"


I just wish I would have bought the 8x12 so I could make longer stuff ;)


Good god Led, you are more then a master of the lathe, you are the friggen master of all modifications! I love the M14 bolt catch thing, i havent had time to try it on my M14, I have bigger fish to fry, such as fitting my Marui M14 into a real M14 Fiberglass stock... Drill bit, Dremel, and a ###### load of elbow greese, here i come! Maybe I should start a picture documentary in arnies too :)


What happened to the Underbarrel mod thing that u were doing to the G3 Shorty? Wasent it supposed to be a master key? or why is there the big box of doom under the front?

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The latest project I'm working on is a Thompson conversion to a "chicago typewriter" type. I've made a semi-close ribbed barrel and front grip, and I'm working on a drum mag hicap (not auto winding)


Here's what I have so far...a 2 piece barrel (so I can go ultra shorty, if I wish) with removable compensator:










I've changed up the front grip a bit since the pic, and made a new mounting bracket, new pics later today or tomorrow (should have it painted by then, too)


edit: spelling

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Stage 2 is underway...


First a couple of real steel photo's to set the mood:






Notice that there are 2 sizes of real steel drums? I'm going for the big one ;)


Here's what I've got:








with the stick mag:




Backside of the drum:




I'll be installing the mag, and adding more bb capacity, but again, no auto winding mech. Plenty of room to store a large 8.4v :)

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I considered it, but I figure I won't be changing mags much, and it will be simpler/more reliable to just use the mini connectors I have on all my batteries.


It would be a cool feature, but more trouble than it's worth IMO.



Wuss ;)


All kidding aside, that's understandable. Is that drum just the standard high cap to box mag conversion, or something special?

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*will be* a low-tech std drum.


Looking at it from the back, the left side will have a ramp feeding into the hicap and hold the extra bb's. The right side will be the battery compartment.


The bottom will allow access to the hicap winding wheel for manual winding.


Right now, I envision the back plate being 2 semi-circles that hinge open to allow access to the internals...that might change to a fixed cover with a couple access "hatches" I'm not positive yet.


Of course a dummy winder for the front is a necessity ;)


Top right will be a small access point for the battery wire, and the receiver will have the wiring run to the closest point allowable (looks like I might be able to get it right into the magwell--and have no wiring exposed)


I'm hoping to get this done in the next couple days.

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