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G36 Stanag Magwell


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G36 Magwell Conversion Kit

Do you currently have an M4 or M16 and a full combat load of magazines but cannot afford to buy the same loadout of G36 magazines for your G36?

Are you considering buy a G36 but are having a hard time finding combat vest pouches that fit G36 magazines well?

Are you seeking a unique look for your G36?

The PPA Magwell Conversion Kit for G36 series AEG's allow you to use M4/M16-compatible magazines in your G36. It will give your airsoft G36 a unique look and allows you to use more abundant and sometimes less expensive choice of M4/M16 magazines that are available on the market.

Our magwell is made from a temparature resistant polymer that is finished to complement your G36 receiver well.

It is compatible with Tokyo Marui and Classic Army G36's and can easily be installed by a novice.





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Oooh this is quite nice...i dont know if i would get it for my 36k, but its good to have it out there for people who would want to. The texture on the magwell doesnt really look like it will match the Classic army reciever too well by the pictures.


Does any military use stantag G36s? I thought they were only for the civilian market...

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Dunno, but they do exist, at least remtek says so.


Its a good idea, one of the many things which does annoy me is the fact that I have too many M4 mags and wanting to switch platforms won't work.


That and G36 mags and Steyr Mags don't fit into single M16 mag pouches well as it is too wide. I don't want to change webbing just to have a new gun.


When are they to make a Steyr AEG that takes M16 mags? I know they have this in RS but not airsoft.

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Not realy. How many people do you know who are using a FNC? Even the T89 and the L85 variants are rare. And a Famas mag will not work in a Stanag magwell. They use a different mag catch.




I'm well aware that those AEGs are fairly uncommon (and it isn't difficult to modify a STANAG magazine so that it will feed in a FAMAS). My point was that you'd be joining the large and prestigious club of non-Armashites what use STANAG magazines.

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Go for the standard G36 mags and buy the new Diamondbacktactical G36 mag pouches, bam...your good!


No offense dude, but lots of your suggestions, while true to reality aren't cost effective for lots of the people out there, that's what this whole idea is playing towards, not to mention ammo wise you can't compare if you're carrying exclusively standard mags...


Just thought I'd suggest kind of try to concider other people... especially concidering (while not the best quality) you can get ahold of the BHI Triple mag carriers for the same price and hold 3x the magazines as the double mag carrier...

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