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Robot 2000

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About Robot 2000

  • Rank
    Spy sappin' mah sentry!

Additional Information

  • Airsofter since
    feb 2005
  • Toy collection
    VFC AKS-74UN, ICS AK-74M, KSC USP.45
  • Most likely to say
    More Red Bull? Why certainly!
  • Country
    United Kingdom

Contact Methods

  • MSN
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Profile Information

  • Location
    Humboldt Universität, Berlin
  • Interests
    Airsoft, Warhammer 40,000, Stargate SG-1, FPS games on the PC, books of all sorts.
  1. Get the VFC, they are rock solid pieces, possibly the best airsoft gun I've owned thus far (and I've owned a fair few ) Not sure as I have the original STD version. It will take the biggest stick battery you can find, the battery compartment is massive I recommend Intellect 9.6V sticks, 1400 mah or up should last you a whole day. I have 4 G&P bakelite mids which all feed perfectly in my VFC, strange
  2. I bet you just put some rail covers on it and laid all the other stuff on the floor to LOOK like it was attached. . . please?
  3. I'm loving the way that AK74 variants are now far more prevalent than the good old TM AK47
  4. AFAIK yes, the AKSU has the pin that holds in the top handguard retract when you lift the top cover just like the real one
  5. There's a pretty good film called "The Nest" which has the FAMAS and the AUG used a lot. http://imdb.com/title/tt0280990/
  6. I'm very tempted to sell the AKSU and get one of these . . . which do you prefer? >Edit for forgetting to take pics out muppetry
  7. G36 mags have knob thingies to lock them together
  8. If you want to do the HK slap, buy an ICS. When I had one I'd be beating it back and forth 20 times a day and it was fine
  9. flashlight foregrip tutorial. NOW.
  10. lol @ impossibly high standards of internet peoples.
  11. If you needed to use a dremel to put the GP30 on an SLR105, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.
  12. Wow, hippy, I really should have searched better. You are the god of constrictor-age and have just convinced me to buy one. Have a +1
  13. I'm well aware that tanakas have better performance power and accuracy wise, but unfortunately they don't seem to make anything resembling the constrictor. I'm mainly after something big and chunky, and if I'm honest the idea of the marushin shells sounds pretty fun too. It'll most likely be a display/intimidation in the safe zone type piece. I have been considering the Tanaka 629 PC (not the v-comp version) for a similarly chunky look but it seems to be out of stock everywhere .
  14. Hey guys, this pretty much seems to be revolver central so I'll ask here - anyone have any thoughts on the marushin colt constrictor? I love the look of it but it's a tough gun to find anything in writing about. cheers, oh and nice guns you rich bastages
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